Build your team with communications skills training

Is this the time of the year to bring your team together?

We give communications skills training to staff teams from the public sector, private companies, associations, NGOs and think tanks in Brussels. We often use our workshops to bring your teams together. Staff enjoy the experience – it is good for team building, message development and confidence.

Practise public speaking skills and feel more confident

We can learn techniques to manage nerves and build confidence

  • How to use your voice – pitch, pace, intonation and pronunciation
  • Body language – hand gestures, eye contact, posture
  • Developing communication messages

Review your writing and messages

We can also practise writing and developing messages for your sector and policy

  • How can we express the key ideas in ways that engage your readers
  • Principles of clear, concise professional writing
  • Solutions to those nagging grammar and punctuation questions

You can practise all of the above (and lots more) with your work colleagues. Contact us to find out how we can organise workshops for you and your team.

Details of our communications training are here

Practical courses

Our courses are practical, demanding, fun and effective. We are here to help your people (and you) to develop communications and management skills and confidence.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Communicating Europe+ team